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2 Louisville BBall players arrested

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  • 2 Louisville BBall players arrested

    From the Associated Press: Two University of Louisville basketball players have been released from jail after being arrested on misdemeanor charges of resisting law enforcement in southern Indiana.
    University of Louisville spokesman Kenny Klein confirmed that sophomore forward Terrence Jennings and senior guard Jerry Smith were arrested Saturday night in Jeffersonville, Ind. Both were released from the Clark County jail on Sunday morning.
    Klein said basketball coach Rick Pitino is aware of the arrests and the issue will be handled inside the program.

  • #2
    I would venture a guess that these two guys ventured into the wrong small, 82% white, town in Southern Indiana. I'll bet more will come out on this showing the players did little or nothing wrong.... Just a guess.


    • #3
      B4L, you have judged wisely...
      Both were arrested at a Louisville alumni homecoming party held at Kye's in Jeffersonville, just across the Ohio River from Louisville."

      "Coach Rick Pitino told WHAS11 that, "we are aware of the situation and will be handling it internally.""

      in other's nobody else's business and unlike elsewhere, we will not cooperate with anyone from the press.

      Both players were said to be involved in a fight, where a party...late last night and arrested and charged with resisting arrest (resisting law enforcement, a misdemeanor.

      BTW- one of Kentucky's top recruits and a starter also was just arrested, but don't expect to see any discipline there either....
      that's the kind of player Calipari lusts for.......


      • #4
        Originally posted by Braves4Life View Post
        I would venture a guess that these two guys ventured into the wrong small, 82% white, town in Southern Indiana. I'll bet more will come out on this showing the players did little or nothing wrong.... Just a guess.
        Having lived in Louisville for more than 4 years.. Jeffersonville is not that small.. about 30,000 and is part of the Louisville metropolitan makeup.
        It is 82% white.


        • #5
          Originally posted by tornado View Post

          in other's nobody else's business and unlike elsewhere, we will not cooperate with anyone from the press.

          Tornado, so it was a fight at a party. Arrests were made, and you're upset that they're handling this internally? Just like we're doing with Taylor Brown? How are they not cooperating with anyone from the press? Sounds like both cases are pretty similar.

          And I live in Southern Indiana, Jeff is essentially a suburb of Louisville. Think East Peoria, with a more racially diverse population.
          People need to recognize there is a huge difference between playing hard, and playing well...


          • #7
            Originally posted by That Guy View Post
            Tornado, so it was a fight at a party. Arrests were made, and you're upset that they're handling this internally? Just like we're doing with Taylor Brown? How are they not cooperating with anyone from the press? Sounds like both cases are pretty similar.

            And I live in Southern Indiana, Jeff is essentially a suburb of Louisville. Think East Peoria, with a more racially diverse population.

            I also lived in Louisville for several years, so I know the area...
            in fact the most direct route to Kye's is the same way Bill Murray was heading in the movie "Stripes" when he abandoned his car and left to join the service.

            but That Guy, I am not upset...but it is ironic you ask the quesiton...
            "How are they not cooperating.."....because I have two answers...

            --first the very definition of the charges "resisting arrest" means that lack of cooperation was a prime part of this whole issue. Taylor Brown never resisted anything and both he and the university were 100% cooperative.

            --second...our staff and departments immediately gave full and open responses to the press when they were interviewed...and even a statement from Taylor Brown was issued.
            Did you not see the headline story and quotes in the PJ Star??
            Here's the link in case you completely missed this...

            By contrast...the people at Louisville are saying NOTHING...they are refusing interviews and refusing any comment other than to tell the press it is going to be handled internally and it is not an issue they will discuss with the press.
            Even their own fans see it as a lack of cooperation...
            Read this guy's comments...
            "I would believe that's just something to keep people from prying too hard and trying to find-
            well, he's trying to keep his players safe too. That's another one of his responsibilities to help
            keep them out of the limelight as much as possible- even when they get in trouble," said Farris."

            So I see quite a big difference between how UL and BU handled their situations, and I agree with the Louisville fan that
            U of L is doing whatever thay can to avoid the press and dodge the issue and hope it falls off the front page.....

            BTW-- here's an updated says one of the players had to be TASERED in order to arrest him.


            • #8
              More details

              but Jennings is not yet 21 and he had an alcohol level of 0.02, so should he be ticketed for underage drinking also?

              actual police report


              • #9
                Originally posted by tornado View Post
                More details

                but Jennings is not yet 21 and he had an alcohol level of 0.02, so should he be ticketed for underage drinking also?

                actual police report
                0.022!!?? Are you kidding? What did the kid do? Sniff some alcohol? Have a sip of a beer?

                This is ridiculous and will be thrown out of court in a heartbeat. In fact, I bet when it's all said and done we will see a suit brought by the kid's family against the town and the PD. It smells fishy to me. In the 60's they would have used fire hoses on the kid instead of tasers.


                • #10
                  maybe, but all states that want the federal $$ follow the same "zero-tolerance" rules as were cited with Cole Scott & Theron...
                  so...if he is under 21 and has anything over 0.00, then he must be cited for underage drinking...
                  this is the rule that was used with TCS & why do the high profile athletes sometimes get cut some slack?


                  • #11
                    Originally posted by tornado View Post
                    maybe, but all states that want the federal $$ follow the same "zero-tolerance" rules as were cited with Cole Scott & Theron...
                    so...if he is under 21 and has anything over 0.00, then he must be cited for underage drinking...
                    this is the rule that was used with TCS & why do the high profile athletes sometimes get cut some slack?
                    Maybe because they are not in Peoria where Johnny law seems to be a bit more juiced up! I say leave them alone. If he had a beer it just shows you he was responsible enough to stop drinking. I really do not care what the law says about underage drinking. There are plenty of adults over 21 that should never have a drink and the law allows them!
                    "Educate and inform the whole mass of the people...they are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty."
                    ??” Thomas Jefferson


                    • #12
                      Originally posted by SFP View Post
                      Maybe because they are not in Peoria where Johnny law seems to be a bit more juiced up! I say leave them alone. If he had a beer it just shows you he was responsible enough to stop drinking. I really do not care what the law says about underage drinking. There are plenty of adults over 21 that should never have a drink and the law allows them!
                      Sorry, but this may be the worst argument i have every heard.


                      • #13
                        "Jeffersonville Police Detective Todd Hollis said charges of battery and disorderly conduct against the two players were added"
                        Louisville coach Rick Pitino said Sunday the matter would be handled internally.

                        "resisting law enforcement, battery to an officer and disorderly conduct" charges are now filed against each player.


                        • #14
                          Originally posted by KillerB View Post
                          Sorry, but this may be the worst argument i have every heard.
                          Was the kid old enough to vote; to go to war? 'Nuf said. I get what SFP is saying; I've always felt lower the drinking age to 18 or raise the age to vote and join the military to age 21. You can't have it both ways.


                          • #15
                            Originally posted by KillerB View Post
                            Sorry, but this may be the worst argument i have every heard.
                            Killer B whatever! I said I do not care what others think about this. I'm sure they were over zealous cops with an agenda. I've seen cops with attitude go after a little old lady before because she had the gall to tell them they were over reacting. It took their precinct captain to come out and tell the two cops, especially one of them, that he was getting out of hand and to cool it.

                            Also this country besides the special interest is influenced by some real puritanical tyrants. I guess I'm just not a follower of the letter of the law but the spirit. When the truth comes out, if it comes out we'll know for sure.
                            "Educate and inform the whole mass of the people...they are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty."
                            ??” Thomas Jefferson


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