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Chicago Eliminated from 2016 Olympics

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  • #91
    Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
    We have never needed big government to police everything we buy and sell before.
    As it has been for thousands of years, and in every country in the world's history- caveat emptor.

    Enron proved capitalism needs to be regulated.


    • #92
      These new provisions require bloggers to reveal all material connections they have with the maker or producer of the product or service they are promoting.
      This is a quote form the goverment release about these new provisions of the FTC act-

      "bloggers who make an endorsement must disclose the material connections they share with the seller of the product or service."

      so that means that if I make any positive statement about Bradley basketball on this site, or on a blog, I am now required by these government laws to reveal clearly what material connections I have with Bradley.

      So from now on, I will avoid saying anything positive about Bradley
      or maybe I will add a signature to all my posts that detail every penny I have donated, and every free ticket, free drink, or other perk I have gotten from Bradley at their booster events. It's my duty under President Obama's law, and many of the other posters here should do the same to avoid legal penalties.


      • #93
        The government already intrudes enough into everyone's daily life...they take half our productivity in taxes and give a lot of it to those who who choose not to be productive.
        There are only a few who actually want and welcome the government getting EVEN more intrusive in our daily lives, and they are called liberals and socialists...
        In time, we will be communist while the rest of the ex-communist nations have already learned their lessons.


        • #94
          Originally posted by Beninator View Post
          I have a lot of friends and talk to a lot of people "overseas".
          I guess we both have friends and talk to a lot of people "overseas" who just happen to share our opinions.
          What part of illegal don't you understand?


          • #95
            Originally posted by tornado View Post
            .There are only a few who actually want and welcome the government getting EVEN more intrusive in our daily lives, and they are called liberals and socialists...

            You mean like abortion and school prayer?


            • #96
              no, those are definitely things I would love to see the federal government stay out of, and I suspect you'd agree with me, right?


              • #97
                Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
                The federal government has no rights intruding on what individual citizens say on their private blogs or message boards. Do you believe they do?
                If you do, then does the government have a right to police what you say in your own home, and what you do in private?

                I don't care much for Glen Beck, but why doesn't he have the right to free speech just the same as Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton, Rachel Maddow, Bill Ayres, Van Jones, and Louis Farrakhan? Why do people feel so compelled to want to stop right-leaning people from saying what they want, but seem so demanding that others be allowed to say whatever they want?
                Now theres a group of out standing straight forward and truth speaking people I can understand lol:why some people are scared to death of Glen Beck, Michelle Malkin, and Billy O. with these blood suckers running their mouths around If the rest of the world would open up their arms and hearts as the fine people of Decatur Ill. did when Rev. Jesse came to make himself righteous there, these free loaders would have to find another scam to fill theirs pockets
                As for forgiving Michlle Obama's little lie to the Olympic committee, there's a Pastor in Chicago that will pray for her


                • #98
                  Originally posted by Out of Balance View Post
                  Now theres a group of out standing straight forward and truth speaking people I can understand lol:why some people are scared to death of Glen Beck, Michelle Malkin, and Billy O. with these blood suckers running their mouths around If the rest of the world would open up their arms and hearts as the fine people of Decatur Ill. did when Rev. Jesse came to make himself righteous there, these free loaders would have to find another scam to fill theirs pockets
                  As for forgiving Michlle Obama's little lie to the Olympic committee, there's a Pastor in Chicago that will pray for her
                  GB doesn't scare me half as much as that group and the so called pastor, because their guy is in power. To his credit though, I might be wrong but I think he may be distancing himself from that group.
                  What part of illegal don't you understand?


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by Chico View Post
                    GB doesn't scare me half as much as that group and the so called pastor, because their guy is in power. To his credit though, I might be wrong but I think he may be distancing himself from that group.
                    Chico, how does your odometer measure in billions of the inch. JK I hope you are right


                    • Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
                      These new provisions require bloggers to reveal all material connections they have with the maker or producer of the product or service they are promoting.
                      This is a quote form the goverment release about these new provisions of the FTC act-

                      "bloggers who make an endorsement must disclose the material connections they share with the seller of the product or service."
                      DC and T, have you ever watched CNBC when they interview a stock broker about stock picks etc? After the interview, CNBC asks and displays a checklist of stocks or funds that the broker or their family may or may not own as to be upfront about everything to try to eliminate that person from "pumping and dumping" a certain stock. If this is done on television, why not an internet blog to protect the consumer?
                      Bradley 72 - Illini 68 Final

                      ???It??™s awful hard,??™??™ said Illini freshman guard D.J. Richardson, the former Central High School guard who played prep school ball a few miles from here and fought back tears outside the locker room. ???It??™s a hometown thing. It??™s bragging rights.??™


                      • wow, Ben, that's a whole different area...
                        insider and illegal stock selling, buying, and promoing are regulated by a million rules, laws, and departments of the government that are completely different from we are talking about.

                        So I wouldn't compare to the stock's more like when a newspaper columnist says he likes the Ford Taarus and people ought to go buy it...the govt. wants that guy to reveal if he is a paid spokesman for Ford...or if he's on their payroll...
                        but..I think most American buyers are smart enough and don't need more levels of government beaurocracy to tell them how to think.

                        but when it comes to have to realize there are more than 30 million blogs on the internet now...
                        and each and every one can express an opinion, but if it appears to promote something or some product or service, then now those 30 million bloggers face fines and jail if they don't add disclaimers??
                        ....nope, you will never convince me this isn't just the begining of the government's desire and effort to control, regulate, and remove what they don't want from the internet.

                        Hey-- it's not like thousands of government people haven't stated ALREADY that's exactly what they'd like to do and plan to do...
                        They have "fairness doctrines" and "conflict of interest doctrines" and the like...
                        and many have even specifically named the very people on talk radio that they'd love to find a legal way to reign in...
                        Nancy Pelosi has made it clear she wants federal legislation so she can get people like Rush Limbaugh off the air.

                        one interesting thing I saw on MSNBC yesterday, was a segment about Rush Limbaugh possibly becoming an owner of an NFL team.
                        The host of the news/commentary show immediately launched into an attack on Limbaugh and he said he was certain that if Limbaugh was owner, the Rams would be an "all white team".

                        How can any legitimate broadcaster get away with such insanity, if not downright hateful and racist talk?
                        First...if Limbaugh owned the team, he'd want to win - he's surely a very competitive guy, so he'd be insane if he used race to qualify his the owners rarely have say if they hire player personnel, GM's, and coaches...none would work for an owner who claims the right to say what players they acquire.
                        But lastly, Limbaugh for DECADES has hired plenty of Minority employees, even some of the very top ones that work for him.


                        • Originally posted by Beninator View Post
                          DC and T, have you ever watched CNBC when they interview a stock broker about stock picks etc? After the interview, CNBC asks and displays a checklist of stocks or funds that the broker or their family may or may not own as to be upfront about everything to try to eliminate that person from "pumping and dumping" a certain stock. If this is done on television, why not an internet blog to protect the consumer?
                          First Ben- maybe CNBC does do this, but there is no law or requirement that they must do it, and the great majority of talking heads on TV who discuss stocks and products do not reveal their person interests or material connections.

                          Maybe there should be laws requiring such disclosures, but the biggest difference between the TV shows you cite and blogs, is that nobody would mistake 99% of the personal blogs on the internet as the word of an expert. Those TV shows claim to have some level of expertise and claim to be legitimate and unbiased by personal interests in what they endorse. Bloggers aren't usually experts, and rarely claim they have no personal interest in what they endorse.

                          The biggest problem I see is that there is simply no way the government can police or enforce such rules on the tens of thousands of personal blogs and message boards on the internet. So ultimately, such laws will only be enforced highly selectively, and in a severely biased way, whenever the party in power wants to go after someone they feel is a threat to them. We all know who the current party in power feels threatened by, as demonstrated by some references in this thread.

                          Disclaimer- Anything I said about the Bradley team and the Itoo Hall event last night must be considered in the context that I received a couple free schedules from Bradley.


                          • and here is my disclaimer...
                            Coach Les autographed a card for me this past weekend....


                            • if we are going to talk mandating about this kind of fraud...surely it should include a disclaimer about how phony it was!!

                              The White House orchestrates an event and claims doctors from all walks of life agree with the administration's health care plans...
                              but they fail to mention that the doctors involved were a select, hand picked group who's views were known in advance and who were even given the clothing they wore by the White House to "dress them up" so as to look more doctorly...

                              How about a disclaimer from the White House that this was NOT an honest was all staged to create a completely Hollywood- like effect...

                              Most media reported this staged event as if it happened spontaneously and was real..but it was all a scripted, fake event for the full purpose of buffaloing people...
                              Media outlets paint a pretty picture of President Obama with doctors in spiffy white lab coats "under the brilliant fall sun."


                              • Originally posted by Out of Balance View Post
                                Chico, how does your odometer measure in billions of the inch. JK I hope you are right
                                OOB, you are right again. I guess I should have said I hope he is distancing himself from that group.
                                What part of illegal don't you understand?


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