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Brazil Followup

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  • Brazil Followup

    Just a followup on the teams Bradley played in Brazil...

    The professional teams in the Paulista region have already begun their regional professional play, and most of the teams have already played 9 or 10 games,
    so we can see who the better teams are.

    Fluminense is not in that region so they have yet to start play.

    Bauru (who Bradley beat 83-58 ) is 6-3 and tied for 3rd place. Here is a report on their most recent game. Larry Taylor had 21 pts, 15 rebs!

    Paulistano (who Bradley lost a close one to 70-63) is 6-4 and one game out of 2nd place

    Araquara (who Bradley beat 84-83) is 4-4 but all their losses were close.

    Piracicaba is 3-6 but suddenly playing very well.
    They just knocked off the previous 1st place team (St. Jose who were 7-1 at the time), 86-80.

    one other team BU did not play in the tourney, Assis, is also 5-3 and playing well.

    so it turns out that of the teams who were in that tourney....they constituted some of the better teams among the pro teams in that area.....they were all pretty good teams.

  • #2
    Former Bradley player Matt Salley will playing in the next brazilian league for Londrina.


    Flamengo, Minas e Londrina participam do torneio, que serve como aquecimento para a disputa do pr??ximo torneio nacional

    S??o Paulo ??“ O Ciser/Araldite/Univille/Joinville vai receber, de 2 a 4 de outubro, no Gin??sio Ivan Rodrigues, em Joinville, o Torneio Ciser 50 anos, quadrangular preparat??rio para o campeonato da Liga Nacional de Basquete (LNB), o Novo Basquete Brasil (NBB), que come?§a no dia 1?° de novembro. Al?©m do Ciser/Araldite/Univille/Joinville, participam do quadrangular o Flamengo, o Pit??goras/Minas e o ADL/Sercontel/Londrina.

    O n?­vel dos participantes, todos da LNB, promete jogos de qualidade. O Flamengo ?© campe??o da primeira edi?§??o do NBB e atual campe??o da Liga Sul-Americana de Basquete; o Minas, terceiro colocado no NBB, enquanto o Joinville terminou na quarta coloca?§??o.

    As partidas servem de aquecimento para o NBB e o t?©cnico Alberto Bial, do Ciser/Araldite/Univille/Joinville, vai prestar aten?§??o especial a Flamengo e ADL/Sercontel/Londrina, primeiros advers??rios de sua equipe no NBB. "Nada melhor que todas as equipes possam medir for?§as antes de chegar o momento da disputa principal. ?‰ bom termos subs?­dios para a pr??xima temporada???, observou Bial. "Mas acho que a maior import??ncia do quadrangular ?© termos novamente em quadra tr??s das quatro equipes que ficaram nas primeiras posi?§?µes no primeiro NBB e uma estreante, a 30 dias do in?­cio da competi?§??o???, acrescentou o t?©cnico de Joinville.

    O Londrina, por sua vez, depois de acertar patroc?­nio com a Sercontel, aproveita o torneio em Joinville para testar o piv?? norte-americano Matt Salley, que vem da Universidade de Bradley e pode refor?§ar o time no NBB se for aprovado. "Estamos felizes com o acerto do patroc?­nio para a temporada e tamb?©m com a possibilidade de termos um bom jogador no elenco???, acentuou Jos?© Eduardo Vicente, o Leitinho, diretor de basquete do Londrina.

    O jogo entre Flamengo e Pit??goras/Minas abre a competi?§??o no dia 2, ? s 16h20, seguido por Araldite/Univille/Joinville x ADL/Sercontel/Londrina, ? s 18h30. No dia 3, jogam Flamengo x Londrina (13 horas) e Joinville x Minas (15 horas). No dia 4, Joinville x Flamengo encerram o torneio (? s 16 horas), enquanto a preliminar traz Minas x Londrina (14 horas)
    Really nice to see the connection between Bradley and Brazil still growing up!


    • #3
      Thank you very much are a couple translated bits...

      "..Londrina (will) test the pivotal North American Matt Salley, who comes from Bradley University and can strengthen the team if the NBB is approved. "We are pleased with the set of sponsorship for the season and also with the possibility of having a good player in the squad," stressed Jos?© Eduardo Vicente, Milking, director of basketball Londrina."

      Good luck,'s a beautiful country and the Braves entourage loved it!
      Londrina is 250 miles west of Sao Paolo, population 510,707 (about the size of Milwaukee, Denver, Atlanta)


      • #4
        As every city in Paran?? state, Londrina is a really nice place to live.

        Unfortunally, it??s not a very good team. Before Matt be contracted, it was supposed to be one of the worst teams for the next NBB.

        Hope he can help them to reach the playoffs.


        • #5
          Matt has a warrior mentality. If they need someone who will hit the boards and hustle they have their man. He's the type of player that grows on you.
          "Educate and inform the whole mass of the people...they are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty."
          ??” Thomas Jefferson


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