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PJ Star article- Taylor Brown

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  • #91
    Something happened, and a BU player got arrested. It's getting to be commonplace...and tiresome.
    "You're a good liar, but i've seen better."


    • #92
      Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
      I don't think anyone is suggesting that.
      But we know from a previous incident that what they write is just what the Police incident report has on it. So it is just based on what one guy told the police. We also know from that previous incident, that some of this info on the initial police report can be wrong.

      Yes...and you are smart enough to understand that so whats the problem? Reader beware.

      IF he waits until the case is over there really isn't much of a story is there?

      This is day one...stay tuned...keep an open mind...understand innocent until proven guilty and realize there is more to what we have been told.


      • #93
        Originally posted by lefty View Post
        Geez...I can't believe you guys blame the paper for reporting. I read the paper everday and when I'm done put it away. I don't try to read anyting into or wonder why it's on a certain page or a few days later than an incident...

        Many on here don't like the Star so when they print something they don't like they rip into them.

        I'm guessing TB could have avoided being arrested if he wanted to..he didnt......hopefully he will learn from well as others on the team..

        Well said....


        • #94
          Wow!! I just spent the last few minutes catching up on this thread and am astonished at how bored we (and the Urinal Star) must be. Let's start the season already!

          This was a simple college fight (probably over a girl -- oh, and please don't get offended by my speculation wiz ). Noone was seriously hurt. There were no weapons involved. Just a quick simple fight. I trust most of our posters went to Bradley at one time or another. How many fights did you witness or hear about while at college that involved a girl? How many times did the police get involved? Let's face it..... THIS IS NOT NEWS!!!

          My feelings about TB are no different toaday than they were yesterday. He!!, if anything I respect the kid more for showing some toughness. Let's hope it carries over to the basketball season (minus the punches ).


          • #95
            Originally posted by dogsrus View Post
            Yes...and you are smart enough to understand that so whats the problem? Reader beware.

            IF he waits until the case is over there really isn't much of a story is there?

            This is day one...stay tuned...keep an open mind...understand innocent until proven guilty and realize there is more to what we have been told.
            But DRU, this thread has been dragged out to 5 pages because some people do believe that just because it says so in the PJ Star, those details must be true.


            • #96
              Originally posted by Out of Balance View Post
              flipper, your hurting B4L ratings and your in serious contention to take over his #1 avator spot

              OK, OK! I got the hint OoB...... Enjoy!


              • #97

                Ok, maybe not. As always, I reserve judgment until later. I won't come to the conclusion that TB is a punk or anything, and I won't come to the conclusion that TB is innocent in all this.

                How about this: Neither condeming TB or defending? Be neutral. Life's a lot less stressful over here in NeutralLand.


                • #98
                  Originally posted by houstontxbrave View Post
                  You know thats completely true, but come on lets go back to when we both were 21. Some guy is pushing you constantly, showing up and essentially taunting you continually, then you end up near each other and I am sure words are said, regardless of your stature or status there is a limit. And personally, I think Brown did show restraint by only splitting the guys lip. Very few men would just take it and take it and not respond.

                  And in the culture of college athletics, being a man and peer pressure no man especially an athlete is going to allow himself to be disrespected infront of others. Yes in a perfect Leave it to Beaver world everyone walks away but in the real world, well most men, do not walk away from confrontation. And again if you are an athlete you do not allow someone to show you up infront of anyone.
                  I agree with almost everything you said save the last sentence. Disregard that for now and I STILL ask you ....isn't that the problem he has to understand?

                  If he does what you and I think is OK and what most of us would do (IF it happened like you said) he is going to be held to a higher standard and it will be made a bigger issue of then if you or I did the same thing.

                  He HAS to learn to walk away or...this is the result. IF its worth it to him to lose (possibly) all he has going for him..go for it.

                  Hypothetical....he hits the kid "only" splits his lip but the kid trips hits his head snaps his neck and is paralyzed for life.

                  Didn't some BU kids just pull a simply harmless prank that went WAY beyond what was intended to happen?

                  Just sayin.....

                  Again..I mostly agree with what you said but these guys HAVE to understand they are held in a different MUCH brighter light then you or I.....


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
                    But DRU, this thread has been dragged out to 5 pages because some people do believe that just because it says so in the PJ Star, those details must be true.
                    But thats on THEM DC...not you or me. We can't police whats written becuase some people might "read" or interpret the story different then you or I.

                    Again..I think MOST on here understand it was probably much ado about nothing.

                    Lefty said it best.....


                    • Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
                      But DRU, this thread has been dragged out to 5 pages because some people do believe that just because it says so in the PJ Star, those details must be true.

                      I guess I need to re-read the 5 pages seems like most of the posts were ripping on the Star for the article


                      • Originally posted by dogsrus View Post
                        ... Haters like to see the "priveledged" fail and suffer........
                        There's a word for that...




                        • Originally posted by Da Coach View Post
                          But DRU, this thread has been dragged out to 5 pages because some people do believe that just because it says so in the PJ Star, those details must be true.
                          I don't think too many people think this is the case... It's obvious that the facts that have been reported are just that, facts. However, facts can be incorrect. The only thing the paper can go on is the facts that are available to them. No one knows if the paper tried, successfully or not, contact TB or the other party to dig deeper into this. No one knows if all of this information came from the police report or other sources. Maybe the PJS contacted someone that works at Macy's to see if TB was indeed "staring" at this guy. Maybe they interviewed someone at the frat party that saw the guy provoke TB into hitting him. No one really know where any/all of the info is coming from. The paper has to report something... they went with what they had.


                          • Yes, this was a black frat party going on in Haussler because they are doing construction inside of the Garrett Center right now. The parties have surprisingly been pretty tame so far this year, usually when they are in the Garrett Center, it's fights galore, criminal damage, etc.

                            This was just a little punch, everyone has said their apologies, President Glasser is aware of it and i'm sure Taylor has been internally disciplined. Taylor messed up, he'll pay his fine in court and i'm sure he'll be a model citizen from here on out. Incident is over with.


                            Originally posted by Da Coach View Post

                            And one more clarification- It's my understanding that there was a Bradley fraternity party going on in Haussler Hall that was the reason TB was there. There were also non-BU students at the party, as there always are. The altercation occurred outside of Haussler, but TB went back into the party.


                            • Originally posted by Jack Bauer View Post
                              Something happened, and a BU player got arrested. It's getting to be commonplace...and tiresome.
                              only two other BU players this century have gotten arrested ...Ruffin & Battle (about 6 years ago)...a couple others got citations for underage drinking..
                              The BU cases always get tremendously overblown attention while we have proven that other MVC local media seem to ignore stories of this nature and won't print them.

                              I have pretty solid evidence that the number of such cases at BU is by no means even in the top HALF among the other Valley teams, but I would still like to see none at all.

                              but to link together..."Ruffin.......Wilson....the star transport issue..." (your quote)
                              this is silly...these are mostly minor things, the "star" thing wasn't a crime and was the result of the inadvertent action of the Star employee!
                              Wilson never had a DUI...
                              ......way overblown, hardly the kind of criminal activity seen elsewhere....
                              UNI, MSU, even Northwestern, Wisconsin, and U of I have all had break-ins, robberies, thefts, assaults, the same past few years
                              In fact, it would be hard to find a school that's had less of this than BU if you want to get into a mudslinging fight.


                              • Originally posted by dogsrus View Post
                                Are you telling my Reynolds is lying about what he is reporting.....?
                                Spinning and lying are two different things just ask a politician. What the PJS is doing with Reynolds' article is spinning it so they can sell more papers. Why would you find that as not possible. Politicians spin things all the time for votes and papers now day spin the news so they can sell more or in some cases advance some moral political viewpoint. This TB news should not take center stage for what it is IMO but it has. I'm not condemning Reynolds for doing his job but I do not have to like the way he is spinning this and every other BU incident that helps him keep his job. Again if you do not think that most news you recive is not doctored a bit then we will never agree on this. News has become entertainment that needs to be sold, so why not embellish it a bit to be able to sell it a bit easier. There are not to many media outlets that I take at face value anymore.
                                "Educate and inform the whole mass of the people...they are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty."
                                ??” Thomas Jefferson


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