Originally posted by Nacho
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PJ Star article- Taylor Brown
???People say, ???Forget last year', but I want our guys to remember that one, because that will not happen again. We will be much better.??? Geno Ford, 9/22/12
Originally posted by shaunguth View PostThat can't be the way it works, because there's an article posted 15 minutes ago about motorcyclist Henry Wiles returning to Peoria next year. That article is already down in the Sports seciont.....not the lead story of the website! There's no way I'm going to believe the pjs cannot pick and choose where they place certain articles no matter when they're posted.
If you were the PJS- would you have placed it on the front page?
Two statements caused me to shake my head in amazement.....I suddenly felt like the Aflac duck responding to Yogi Berra......
Originally posted by Jack Bauer View PostSomething happened, and a BU player got arrested. It's getting to be commonplace...and tiresome.
Originally posted by Nacho View PostIt's obvious that the facts that have been reported are just that, facts. However, facts can be incorrect.???People say, ???Forget last year', but I want our guys to remember that one, because that will not happen again. We will be much better.??? Geno Ford, 9/22/12
Originally posted by Nacho View PostYou are correct, they can place it where ever they want... but if it is MAJOR news- it stays as the headline for days, not just a few hours...
If you were the PJS- would you have placed it on the front page?
I'm curious as to why the B/N paper doesn't run front-page stories every week or so about the apparent inability of the isu players/coaches to operate a motor vehicle properly and legally and the constant court appearances that result, that is when they don't fail to appear.???People say, ???Forget last year', but I want our guys to remember that one, because that will not happen again. We will be much better.??? Geno Ford, 9/22/12
Originally posted by shaunguth View PostNo. It was a college "fight" that happened to involve a basketball player. I would've put it at the top of the sports section and let it get bumped down as other stories were posted.
I'm curious as to why the B/N paper doesn't run front-page stories every week or so about the apparent inability of the isu players/coaches to operate a motor vehicle properly and legally and the constant court appearances that result, that is when they don't fail to appear.
Does driving without your seatbelt or without your insurance card = battery? Not very often...
Originally posted by Nacho View PostDoes a traffic ticket (violation) = a misdemeanor? Not very often...
Does driving without your seatbelt or without your insurance card = battery? Not very often...???People say, ???Forget last year', but I want our guys to remember that one, because that will not happen again. We will be much better.??? Geno Ford, 9/22/12
Originally posted by Nacho View PostI clearly have no way of knowing that answer unless I am the person in question- which I am clearly not...
Isn't it common that ICC students hang out around BU? He was apparently at the BU soccer game so he does hang out at BU events. I am sure there are several ICC students that hang out at BU. TB and this person have a mutual friend, so maybe he was going to see him? No one will probably ever know why he was there... and BTW- 11:30pm is not "late on a Saturday" on a college campus... 3am is "late"
Originally posted by amckillip View PostIt's really not that common for ICC students to be on BU's campus. Especially at 11:30 outside an ATHLETES ONLY facility. No one can go in Haussler except athletes, not even students unless they have special permission. The only buidling in the vicinity that is open to the public is the library. And it is quite a ways from Haussler...
Originally posted by dogsrus View PostHey he was being "dissed".....sigh.
its EXACTLY why we should not cast stones at others (programs) for DUI's...speeding tickets...no valid drivers licsense's or anything else.
NO program is immune from this stuff and, quite frankly, BU has had MORE then thier fair share of this unacceptable type behavior.What part of illegal don't you understand?
Originally posted by tornado View PostThis IS NOT TRUE.....you are completely re-wording things...
we know NOTHING of TB going out of his way...
he has every right to be at Macy's, I've been there many times for gosh sakes. Was I going out of my way???
He was also at a BU soccer game and at Haussler Hall....so tell me just WHO is going out of his way to make sure he's in the presence of Taylor Brown??
It is certainly more "way out of his way" for an ICC student to be at Haussler and at a soccer game than for TB to be there. In fact TB BELONGS there!!
So it sounds to me like the ICC guy is the one going OUT OF HIS WAY to be sure something was going to happen here...and check the comments of this blogger as to just who may have had an agenda??
Just another's thoughts
BTW-- it was Levi Dyer's DUI that took 4 months for the press or the university to make mention of, and even then, kinda only because of the legal dispostion being reported on a message board.
then Sampay's way also reported and discussed first on a message board before the press discussed, and then the school confirmed it only after both the boards and the press began asking questions.
In the end, neither missed a game, a practuice, a workout, or anything.
And one starter on another instate MVC school actually played in a tournament game last year,
the very day he was in court for underage drinking..and never missed a game any time at all.
BUB05-- Haussler still stands behind the Markin Center...so they are talking about Haussler not Markin.What part of illegal don't you understand?
you have a strange way of defending your statements by defending something totally different and unrelated.
You were the one who twice said TB was in the wrong by being at Macy's and "staring at the guy"
you said it in this post-
"If you worked at a public place like Macy's and..someone.... came into your place of work to stare at you
... that could be considered stalking or threatening.."
and again in this post-
"...that TB was at this guys place of work (Macy's) and... the police were called.."
then your explanation of why you think that was wrong on TB's part is to say...
"The other guy had every right to be at his job didn't he? "
of course....but Taylor Brown has every legal right to be at Macy's and to stare at anything he wants...
in fact I suspect Macy's loves to have people come in and stare....so how in creation can that be construed as illegal or threatening...
sounds a little bit babyish on the part of the accuser...a little paranoid...maybe even a little bit made-up and exaggerated.
personally I think the degree to which these allegations appear to have been inflated and exaggerated....and yet still sound pretty paltry and weak...make me, again, think there's an agenda.
Actually, Driving on a suspended or revoked license is a misdemeanor and would get pretty much the same sentence as what a misdemeanor battery would get. Pay a little fine and your out the door, maybe a few hours community service.
If this little battery seems like a big thing, a star player at a University close to us has been ticketed 9 times (7 court dates) in the last 2 years. This last issue may result in his license getting suspended. In fact the whole team has about 20 tickets in the last 2 years. I think I would rather have a little misdemeanor battery over a minor disagreement than have a whole team of thugs that have a complete disregard for the public and the way they drive.
Originally posted by Nacho View PostDoes a traffic ticket (violation) = a misdemeanor? Not very often...
Does driving without your seatbelt or without your insurance card = battery? Not very often...
Originally posted by BU RICK View PostSorry, but it's one of my favorite bandsI put this up when everyone was yapping over WE's knee injury last year and it was deleted. Looking forward to a great season from Taylor this year. The band "Talking Heads" -
Take me to the river, dunk me in the water
Originally posted by Out of Balance View PostI like it BURick! I like it so much I was singing and dancing to it in the shower and my wife caught me and said WHAT the HELL
Take me to the river, dunk me in the water
Many of you seem to be apologists for violent behavior. I know from past experience that many of you do not appreciate hearing dissenting opinions and often delete such posts as a matter of course. However, I would point out, that if BU players lose their cool on the floor and start punching opposing players who call them names, we would have a huge problem and lots or Ts. I would hope Braves would be held to a higher standard of conduct.
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