If a tree falls in the woods and no one heard it did it make a noise or whatever the saying is. Well I guess our players are not in the woods and from this you can say the players need to never be heard. I guess it is the price you pay for being a player. What I'm getting to is that regardless of right or wrong the PJS and others have an agenda that can be quite adverse to the truth. Let's not forget that the Yournal Star's business is to sell advertising regardless of whom it harms. As intelligent adults we need to weed through the bull to find the facts.
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PJ Star article- Taylor Brown
The paper is held to a tad bit higher standard then we are...I'm sure they wanted to go with the story earlier but that HAVE to have the facts correct and they HAVE to leave opinion and conjecture out.
We can specualte all we want......Reynolds can only tell what he can confirm AND whats a matter of record.
Originally posted by dogsrus View PostThe paper is held to a tad bit higher standard then we are...I'm sure they wanted to go with the story earlier but that HAVE to have the facts correct and they HAVE to leave opinion and conjecture out.
We can specualte all we want......Reynolds can only tell what he can confirm AND whats a matter of record."Educate and inform the whole mass of the people...they are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty."
??” Thomas Jefferson
Originally posted by dogsrus View PostRuffin.......Wilson....the star transport issue.....I'm tired of this stuff. Again MY point is it happens everywhere and its old at ALL those places. Its a reflection of society. A rise in crime or maybe more noticed in this day of the electronic media...I duuno.
It just gets old.....
Look if you go looking for trouble often you will find it. The guy was looking for a problem by showing up a functions(yes he has a right too) that he knew Brown would be at. Am I thinking he was trying to provoke Brown, definitely, can it be proved no. Brown has to turn and walk away but he didnt throw the guy to the ground to kick his *** he split the guys lip and I highly doubt it was with a closed fist.
The only reason and this is the only reason anything is in writing about this is because it is 2009 and Brown plays basketball at Bradley. There is no way 15 years ago that one punch on a college campus between 2 MEN would end up with one of the MEN getting arrested. For the police to get involved and for Brown to end up arrested tells me the guy who got his lip split is a complete wuss, you get your lip split you go home you dont go crying to the cops, or he got what he wanted by pushing Brown and getting all this drama out. Either way its a complete punk move by the guy.
This whole thing sounds like something two woman would come up with.
Much to do about nothing.
Originally posted by Da Coach View PostIt happens everywhere.
Ruffin was 2 years ago, was way overblown, and the case has been expunged.
Wilson was a lousy speeding ticket.
Star Transport was 2005 (4 years ago), and involved a clerical mistake and was not the fault of the players or coaches.
I think it is a reach to try to make this a case of something recurrent or sinister. JL has run a clean program, and with good solid kids.
Wasn't alcholol involved in the Wilson incident....and while the Star isue was clerical the guys new they were getting money they were not working for. If I get money extra on my check its MY responsibility to report it....not saying I wouldbut never the less.....
I agree JL runs a clean program in terms of recruiting and ethics.......I agree the VAST majority of his kids are great kids......but I'm still tired of this type behavior not only at BU but at ISU...Illinois...Texas...and in my own neighborhood.
Originally posted by houstontxbrave View PostThis is silly, the whole Brown thing is nothing but PC BS. Brown is what 6'6 and likely 230 pounds. If he did indeed punch this guy and only split his lip then Brown should be embarrassed. At that size the guy is lucky he didnt loose his teeth.
Look if you go looking for trouble often you will find it. The guy was looking for a problem by showing up a functions(yes he has a right too) that he knew Brown would be at. Am I thinking he was trying to provoke Brown, definitely, can it be proved no. Brown has to turn and walk away but he didnt throw the guy to the ground to kick his *** he split the guys lip and I highly doubt it was with a closed fist.
The only reason and this is the only reason anything is in writing about this is because it is 2009 and Brown plays basketball at Bradley. There is no way 15 years ago that one punch on a college campus between 2 MEN would end up with one of the MEN getting arrested. For the police to get involved and for Brown to end up arrested tells me the guy who got his lip split is a complete wuss, you get your lip split you go home you dont go crying to the cops, or he got what he wanted by pushing Brown and getting all this drama out. Either way its a complete punk move by the guy.
This whole thing sounds like something two woman would come up with.
Much to do about nothing.
Originally posted by dogsrus View PostI wouldn't disagree with anything you said but don't you think thats EXACTLY why these guys have to think twice about doing something us normal people would do and never here another word about it ?
And in the culture of college athletics, being a man and peer pressure no man especially an athlete is going to allow himself to be disrespected infront of others. Yes in a perfect Leave it to Beaver world everyone walks away but in the real world, well most men, do not walk away from confrontation. And again if you are an athlete you do not allow someone to show you up infront of anyone.
Originally posted by real fan View PostIf I felt so intimidated by someone....
Originally posted by Out of Balance View Postif woman didn't have that one special thing, ?
Originally posted by dogsrus View PostRuffin.......Wilson....the star transport issue...
It just gets old.....
How long before some national media windbag ...
..........without any evidence to back it up
that "without any evidence" does support that he might just BE innocent!
...Larry Eustachy.....quibbles about losing your season tickets....etc....
What in gods name are you talking about...what do seaosn tickets and LE have to do with kids getting in trouble......lets at least TRY to stay on topic.
Geez...I can't believe you guys blame the paper for reporting. I read the paper everday and when I'm done put it away. I don't try to read anyting into or wonder why it's on a certain page or a few days later than an incident...
Many on here don't like the Star so when they print something they don't like they rip into them.
I'm guessing TB could have avoided being arrested if he wanted to..he didnt......hopefully he will learn from it...as well as others on the team..
Originally posted by dogsrus View PostAre you telling my Reynolds is lying about what he is reporting.....?
But we know from a previous incident that what they write is just what the Police incident report has on it. So it is just based on what one guy told the police. We also know from that previous incident, that some of this info on the initial police report can be wrong.
Originally posted by brocks View PostHow long before some national media windbag calls for JL's firing over his "renegade program"?
This is on TB. He did what MANY of us would do but, becuase of how we as a society place way to much importance on celebs/sports mundane things like this get front page news. Again..wrong or right...you decide.
Don't blame Reynolds or the PJ star or any media outlet (unless they call for Les's head) this is a direct response to what people want to hear. IF it wasn't newsworthy they wouldn't put it out there.
Haters like to see the "priveledged" fail and suffer........
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