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You bring something interesting up here. Who's stalking who here and who's(maybe both) been pushed pass a point of turning the other way. I don't think we can look at this as a mere fight at a college party where to many beers have led to a bloody lip. If the paper is right in reporting about Macy's, the soccer game and now what you are reporting about Haussler hall, then this thing could have been heading down a every dark road. Theres just to many times in this world today that these kind of things end with someone hurt bad or worst. By NO means am I saying that this would or could of happen, but this incident should NOT be minimized and judgment should not be made till all the facts are heard
Post of the day!
I would like to add that although it is not unheard-of for alcohol to be present at frat parties , this fraternity party was in a campus-owned building at Haussler Hall, and there was no alcohol involved.
If this is front and center of the PJS then once again they show their true colors. After all, "The charge is a misdemeanor." Since when does a misdemeanor make any headlines anywhere. I just hope that the administration does see for what it is and just gives TB a warning. I concur with everything that BradlyBraves wrote. Also if this guy felt threatened in any way why would he even entertain the notion of heading to campus or the soccer game??
Only with a warped ego, especially over a woman, does a young man put himself in harms way. When I read the report I was thinking there had to be a woman involved. Men just rarley go out of their way like this kid did to confront someone. The PJS should have had a camera shot of the mutual friend at least to make this into a worth following story.
BTW Bradley's campus is private property and unless you were invited or are a student you could be considered tresspassing.
"Educate and inform the whole mass of the people...they are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty."
??” Thomas Jefferson
Men just rarley go out of their way like this kid did to confront someone.
Do you mean going out of the way to the person's place of work??? O wait... thats the other way around...
There is nothing reported about this kid going out of his way to see confront TB. There is something reported at TB going out of his way to intimidate the kid at work...
Listen, I have no problem giving TB the benefit of the doubt... but if the shoe was on the other foot, it wouldnt happen that way... if this was at any other school in the MVC, the posts would be a little (alot) different. And that is expected. BU fans will side with their player and won't with another schools player... no problem them. But saying this is a "non issue", "happens all the time at all colleges", "the victim must be a wuse for calling the cops", etc etc... is taking it a little far IMO
There are two targets for news stories on campus: athletes and fraternities. Its unfortunate, but our culture likes to see them fail. Perhaps, its that the general public is jealous of their privileged status. I think its irresponsible reporting by the PJS.
You never hear of the misdemeanor crimes that happen down on Main St. late at night or a high school house party with cops involved. But wait until there's an athlete or a fraternity involved, front page!
If this is front and center of the PJS then once again they show their true colors.
When the Pantagraph didn't report Dyer's DUI until a few months after the fact, everyone claimed it was an attempted cover-up so the public wouldn't find out. Now that this is reported on the front page, the PJS automatically hates BU. It's a business and drama that occurs at a major university in a city sells papers and creates hits on their website. When the numerous U of I players that have been arrested over the last few years, it was all front page stories in their local papers...
There are two targets for news stories on campus: athletes and fraternities. Its unfortunate, but our culture likes to see them fail. Perhaps, its that the general public is jealous of their privileged status. I think its irresponsible reporting by the PJS.
You never hear of the misdemeanor crimes that happen down on Main St. late at night or a high school house party with cops involved. But wait until there's an athlete or a fraternity involved, front page!
That is part of the responsibility of being a student athlete at a school... it might not be fair, but it is what it is.
The same thing holds true for professional sports... How many domestic violence arrests are made in America every day? I would assume ALOT... but they all don't make SportsCenter and Entertainment tonight like Shawn Merriman's did... It comes with the territory.
All college and professional athletes are held to a higher standard... like I said, it might not be fair... but it is true
Hey Nacho, the kid went out of his way to confront TB regardless! Tell me if you felt threatened would you head on over to that persons house to confront them. I bet the mutual friend was at the party and the guy felt like he had to prove something. How much you want to bet it was a shove not an actual punch? An actual punch to someones mouth from a big guy like TB would have done a lot more damage then a misdemeanor.
If it was the other way around I'd have said what was he doing at ICC looking for trouble. I would have said what a dumb @ss! So when I do look at it the other way it especially makes the ICC guy look worse.
"Educate and inform the whole mass of the people...they are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty."
??” Thomas Jefferson
BTW Dave Reynolds is a tool! Why wait 5 days and still write an incomplete article that any one of us could have written.
OK quoted from PJS "Police then located Brown in Haussler Hall, arrested him and booked him on a charge of battery." This tells me that TB was there and more then likely the guy went there to confront him. Nacho, Call me a fool but how much are you willing to bet that the guy was looking for TB, not the other way around.
"Educate and inform the whole mass of the people...they are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty."
??” Thomas Jefferson
That is part of the responsibility of being a student athlete at a school... it might not be fair, but it is what it is.
The same thing holds true for professional sports... How many domestic violence arrests are made in America every day? I would assume ALOT... but they all don't make SportsCenter and Entertainment tonight like Shawn Merriman's did... It comes with the territory.
All college and professional athletes are held to a higher standard... like I said, it might not be fair... but it is true
Please Nacho, your posts are always fair and reasonable, but don't try to bring comparisons with what Shawn Merriman is accused of, or try to make this more than it is. For whatever reason, incidents like this at BU lead to far more scrutiny and hysteria than they do at any other school, but thisone is a minor issue.
TB recognizes that he made a decision that put him in a position to cause embarrassment for his school. He is a really bright and intelligent kid, and he knows he made a mistake. He issued a statement that reflects his remorse about what happened, and I believe that those are his actual words, not a press release written for him like what happens at most schools.
His coaches, his AD, and the President of the University have all heard both sides of this incident and are satisfied with TB's apology and don't feel this is anything like other incidents that have been brought up.