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Part Basketball - Part Politics

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  • Part Basketball - Part Politics

    Could this be proof of the popularity of college basketball?

    With the huge margin many of the encumbent Democrats kept their seats by last fall, you might assume most would be safe again in 2010.
    Especially one of the most powerful, influential, and well-connected ones, and the guy whose "war chest" is estimated to be one of the largest, Senator Harry Reid of Nevada, the majority leader.

    But complete political newcomer and novice, Danny Tarkanian is running double digit poll numbers ahead of Reid at this time, even though Tarkanianonly announced his candidacy a couple weeks ago!

    Danny Tarkanian is the son of legendary UNLV and Fresno State head coach Jerry Tarkanian, and was a UNLV player himself from 1981-1984.
    he has never held nor run for an yelected office, not even at the local level.

  • #2
    This is ridiculous. A former bb player with no political/governmental experience attempting to unseat the U.S. Senate majority leader?

    (Any idea how I can send a contribution to this upstart?)


    • #3
      Originally posted by TNel View Post
      This is ridiculous. A former bb player with no political/governmental experience attempting to unseat the U.S. Senate majority leader?

      (Any idea how I can send a contribution to this upstart?)
      I am sure he would be happy to hear from you-



      • #4
        if he has any D-I eligibility left, then I am sure numerous coaches like Tim Floyd will have envelopes to hand him...


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