Here's a translation (stuff relevant to BU in red)..........and thanks draftbrasil!!
"The Saturday of the decisions Cup EPTV - Paulistano Champion!
Back to the last day of competitions. Early on we had the dispute for fifth
place: GRSA / ITABOM / x BAURU Assisi.
Bauru had Larry back with the team owner and he starts the game with
Fischer, Alex, and Eddy Marcel??o, the team of Assisi comes with Mark
Borders, Gianecchini, John Thomas, Mosso and Tischer.
Eddy started the game well in Bauru, contributing quickly with 8 of the 15
points of his team. However, on the other side had the game in
commanding Tischer demijohn with great force. The result is that Assisi
opened 7 points of advantage. That was the tone of the game the game
starts. Dominating the demijohn Assis, Bauru while depending solely of Larry
and Eddy. At the end of the quarter, the Americans appear determined to
Assisi in the game and score remained Bauru Assisi 21 X 28.
He started the second quarter with a pressing defense and Assisi, with
counter-attacks led by Borders and Gianecchini, the team opened 11 points
of difference. The reaction of Bauru only started in half the time and it was
led by Alex and Eddy, The difference came to be only 3 points, but 2
consecutive errors led to the maintenance of the gap on the scoreboard in
favor of Assisi: Bauru 43 X 50 Assis. The basket was in the range with 19
and Eddy Gianecchini with 11 points.
In turn, the game followed the same, with Bauru touches on the scoreboard,
but leaving Assisi back the advantage. In the end, the difference also
increased slightly: 67 X 77 Bauru Assisi.
In the last and decisive quarter Bauru began to press the entire defense on
the court but failed to change the dynamics of the game because of our
mistakes. When missing 3 minutes to the end, Alex was a play and on the
other hand, completed the counter-attack with a basket of 3 points. That
time, the difference dropped to 5 points. A shower of cold water in the
reaction of Bauru happened when Larry Taylor committed a fault in the
anti-sports Mosso. Not enough to convert the 2 pitches free, still hit a
basket, 3 points in the following possession. Assis held the advantage until
the end and the result was: Bauru Assisi 89 X 101.
The basket was the departure of Alex Bauru with 27 points and Lucas
Tischer placed fifth at Assisi with 24 points. Congratulations to the team for
the fifth placing Assisi!
Now is the time of decision to third place, between Bradley Braves and XV de
Piracicaba. The university has the U.S. over a different training: Maniscalco,
Dunson, Roberts, Phillips and Thompson. The team comes with piracicabano:
Diego, Rubber, Will, and Maur?lio Telmo.
Led by Will and Rubber, the XV de Piracicaba tried to print a very accelerated
pace the game. The Braves pressure defense, but none of the times to open
a significant difference in scores: Bradley 29 x 25 Piracicaba.
The second quarter began with a departure sensational air bridge that was
completed by Chris Roberts, who leaves the gym standing. Soon after,
however, Ricardo, with two balls of 3 consecutive points, draw the game.
From there, the teams with hot hands, exchanged baskets the perimeter.
The Braves ended the second quarter to lead by 53 X 47. The basket of the
first stage were: Roberts with 18 points for the Americans, while Will
Frans?©rgio and marked 15 points for the team piracicabano.
The third quarter started the same way the second, ie with a beautiful air
bridge completed by Roberts, but Telmo replied suffering and lack basket.
The great beginning of the fourth to thrill the crowd. In great night, scoring
Roberts followed while Telmo and this was maintained in Piracicaba
departure, carrying the pivots Americans have faults. With a basket of 3
points, Maniscalco is closed the third period: 70 X 63 Bradley Piracicaba.
In the last period, Bradley has managed to fit the defense and, with many
easy baskets, opens 15-point advantage (80 x 65, missing less than 7
minutes). The technical Brocciu was forced to stop the game when Ryan
Phillips completed a counter-attack with a buried, amplicando the advantage
to 19 points. Bradley came to the counting centennial through a bid to free
Sam Singh. The final score was Bradley 101 X 81 XV de Piracicaba. The
basket was the next to Bradley Roberts with 30 points followed by
Maniscalco with 22 and Taylor Brown with 21, in Piracicaba Will with 19
points was the basket.
And finally, the much awaited final: Paulistano / Amil x S??o Jos?© / Unimed /
The Paulistano came into court with Penna, Edu, Dede, and Felipe Fiorotto as
S??o Jos?© dos Campos came from Matheus, Paulo, Renato, and Wandersson
Paulistano got better and, with rapid movement, to open some advantage,
led by Dede (that time already with 14 points). End of first quarter Paulistano
San Jose 27 X 19
The second quarter began with strong defenses. The Paulistano arrived to
open 13 points of advantage, which fell to 9 after 2 stolen the ball followed
by 2 good counter-attacks (37 x 28 for Paulistano). Jo??o Marcelo stopped
the game and back in Penna already hit a basket, 3 points. Gaucho increased
the advantage with one buried in the counter-attack. After the first time, S??o
Jos?© dos Campos has yet to tighten their defense, but the burst of the
stopwatch, Wanderson was lacking in Gaucho converted the 2 bids that
leaving the score at 47 x 38 to the time of capital.Os basket at that time
Dede were, with 14 points for Paulistano, and Matheusinho and Paul??o, with
10 points each for San Jose dos Campos.
The third quarter began with a basket of Felipe in the rebound, still suffering
lack. The Paulistano began to explore the game in the carboy. However,
missing just over 7 minutes to the end, Dede had its fourth missing, being
replaced by Betinho The advantage dropped to 7 after a beautiful move of
Paul. Further, Edu missed passes, forcing John to ask Marcelo time. Not
have much effect, because soon after Paul received no anti-sport in counter-
attack. The advantage of Paulistano was 6 points, when Renato, the bank
reserves, has a technical foul and the team of the capital opened again: End
of third quarter Paulistano 59 X 51 Sao Jose dos Campos.
He started the last quarter of the decision with a tray of Wanderson. In
seguinda, Penna Wanderson exchanged baskets and the 3 points in the burst
timer of 24 seconds. On the basis of a man defending the home half court,
San Jose has stolen some of the ball and, with baskets of Renato, cut the
gap to 4 points, putting the fire started. Dede has further increase the
difference, and missing 39 seconds, Penna, again in the burst of 24 seconds,
scored two more points, giving an advantage of 10 points to their team.
San Jose was not yet delivered, and the basis of 3 points baskets, has the
advantage to decrease only 3 points in 23 seconds. In the following
possession, lack Betinho in which, with 5 seconds to the end, become the
first free-lance, but squandered the second (76 X 72). In desperation,
Wandersson also hit a basket, 3 points in the burst of the bell. Paulistano,
EPTV Cup champion of 2009, 76 X 75 Sao Jose dos Campos. The basket
was the final with 21 points by Dede Paulistano, and the vice-champion San
Jose Paulo has the largest label with 18 points.
Congratulations to the team of technical Jo??o Marcelo Leite Eptv that wins
the Cup with 3 victories and 1 defeat. And to complete the party capital of
the time, Bruno Fiorotto was elected the best player of the tournament.
My coverage ends here. I would like to thank the staff and much of the site
for having given me this unique opportunity to pass some of the games for
you and hope you have liked to all.
??caro Jordan
??caro play in the juvenile S??o Carlos, Brazil is forista the Draft and the help of this cobetura Cup EPTV.
Photos of Jordan Icaro."