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I know lefty, it's a mess, but haven't we seen just as bad in the Oval Office, Senate, among the Hollywood types and pop stars, and even among well known leaders of churches... I agree he's not qualified to be a moral leader, but I wouldn't say the guy can't be a basketball coach.
For perhaps the first time ever, T and I are on the exact same wave length.
No surprise, here is Jay Mariotti's opinion about Pitino- Pitino Has Lost All Cred, Should Resign
I'm not so sure I agree. Based on the type of kid Pitino recruits and the culture that many of them come from he may actually have more "street cred". (And I in no way condone what he did).
I also do not think he will resign Houston. He is far too valuable to UL for him to be "forced out". Once his PR machine finishes their spin all will be forgotten in a year or two. Remember, Pitino is a "corporation" and can pay for the best attorneys and PR people.
If the kids thamselves are the ones making the final decisions, then you could be right.
However, I still think most recruits have input from parents or advisers who would be turned off by behavior like this from a coach.
You can bet that Roy Williams, Bill Self, John Calipari, Thad Matta, Tom Crean, and others will use this as much as they can to their advantage against Louisville.
I completely understand that anyone can have a moment of indescretion, but I am going back to my first point, he wrote a book telling the world how he lives his life, he is paid thousands of $$'s to give motivational and advise to many people on how to live a life. He has done all of this pre and post to this "indescretion" and it turns out his whole life behind the curtain is a hypocritial lie.
I understand all kinds of people lie and are not who they say they are, but Pitino has built an entire idenity and philosophy on certain priciples and it turns out he absolutely does not live by his own words.
The man is a fraud and a hypocrite. I know that Louisville needs his "persona" to compete with UK and also they have seats to sell for their new arena but I dont understand how anyone can trust this man again when it comes to leading a young mans life.
Look at his words yesterday. "Pitino said he made ???a very difficult decision??? seven months ago, when he reported his allegation of extortion to the FBI, ???to tell the truth to the federal authorities, the local authorities, the university officials and most importantly, the people that love me the most: my family and friends.???
A difficult decision? So he had to debate with himself to tell the truth? If not confronted with anything regarding his "indescretion", his debate with himself would have stayed exactly where it was for the previous 6 years, and he would have continued to lie by writing books and speaking about a moral high ground that he obviously does not live the way he speaks.
He will likely keep his job but he shouldnt he does deserve to lose his job. But wins are as we know more important then anything other then money. Carry on Rick and Louisville your both model citizens and institutions.
I completely understand that anyone can have a moment of indescretion, but I am going back to my first point, he wrote a book telling the world how he lives his life, he is paid thousands of $$'s to give motivational and advise to many people on how to live a life. He has done all of this pre and post to this "indescretion" and it turns out his whole life behind the curtain is a hypocritial lie.
I understand all kinds of people lie and are not who they say they are, but Pitino has built an entire idenity and philosophy on certain priciples and it turns out he absolutely does not live by his own words.
The man is a fraud and a hypocrite. I know that Louisville needs his "persona" to compete with UK and also they have seats to sell for their new arena but I dont understand how anyone can trust this man again when it comes to leading a young mans life.
Look at his words yesterday. "Pitino said he made ???a very difficult decision??? seven months ago, when he reported his allegation of extortion to the FBI, ???to tell the truth to the federal authorities, the local authorities, the university officials and most importantly, the people that love me the most: my family and friends.???
A difficult decision? So he had to debate with himself to tell the truth? If not confronted with anything regarding his "indescretion", his debate with himself would have stayed exactly where it was for the previous 6 years, and he would have continued to lie by writing books and speaking about a moral high ground that he obviously does not live the way he speaks.
He will likely keep his job but he shouldnt he does deserve to lose his job. But wins are as we know more important then anything other then money. Carry on Rick and Louisville your both model citizens and institutions.
Because he is a liar, hyporcrite, and not a role model for young men.
I would be very curious to know how many times a situation has come up, that he gave advise on and it has turned out his advise was exactly contradictory to what he has done in his own life.
Larry Eustachy lost his at Iowa State, and there are other examples of coaches losing their jobs over less serious "indiscretions". (I love the word- indiscretion - that Pitino uses to describe his actions!)
Like all coaches, as well as players' scholarship agreements, they have a "morals" clause in their contracts that allow their employer to terminate the contract "for cause", without having the obligation to continue to pay him if they want.
Recall the situation with Marv Albert and his "indiscretions" with a hooker. NBC dropped him and terminated his contract.
BTW- I am not saying he should lose his job, I am just saying that it is the employer's decision, and some have fired coaches for indiscretions that have not gone as far as Pitino's.
Because he is a liar, hyporcrite, and not a role model for young men.
I would be very curious to know how many times a situation has come up, that he gave advise on and it has turned out his advise was exactly contradictory to what he has done in his own life.
Tell me why he should keep his job?
College coaching is full of liars and hypocrites. Are coaches really supposed to be role models? Just like athletes shouldn't be role models, neither should coaches. They live quite similar lifestyles. I think coaches are there to make sure the kids maximize their ability and get an education (which is a stretch). I can't recall one player saying that they went to college because they wanted to be like or emulate the coach. If parents are looking for a DI basketball coach to raise their kids or teach them right from wrong, then quite frankly they've failed as parents.
So, he should keep his job because he didn't break any laws and didn't commit any crimes. He might not do too well in a divorce settlement but adultery isn't against the law, and neither are abortions. I don't know the language of his contract, but I doubt he broke any clauses in his contract either.
Sounds like the university is looking at it the same way, at least for now.
College coaching is full of liars and hypocrites. Are coaches really supposed to be role models? Just like athletes shouldn't be role models, neither should coaches. They live quite similar lifestyles. I think coaches are there to make sure the kids maximize their ability and get an education (which is a stretch). I can't recall one player saying that they went to college because they wanted to be like or emulate the coach. If parents are looking for a DI basketball coach to raise their kids or teach them right from wrong, then quite frankly they've failed as parents.
So, he should keep his job because he didn't break any laws and didn't commit any crimes. He might not do too well in a divorce settlement but adultery isn't against the law, and neither are abortions. I don't know the language of his contract, but I doubt he broke any clauses in his contract either.
Sounds like the university is looking at it the same way, at least for now.
This is my last post about this because the more I think about it well it really is a waste of time, but just to nitpick a bit, but isnt having sexual relations in a public place breaking the law?
And you really never hear a player say they went to a school because of a coach or who he is or what he stands for or what type of a guildence can give? Sales is what recruiting is and sales is pursuasion and often persuasion is selling yourself and who you are, the school and the program often are second its the person selling and who he/she is what often hooks and signs a player.
But I think the Louisville President's response to this is a lot more about wanting a winning baskletball program than holding his coach to a high standard of ethics and behavior.
This is my last post about this because the more I think about it well it really is a waste of time, but just to nitpick a bit, but isnt having sexual relations in a public place breaking the law?
Actually if it was in the back room as we've heard it was, I don't think it is illegal. Yes, we're nitpicking at this point. I'll stop. As the great Ron Burgundy once said "Agree to disagree".
Actually if it was in the back room as we've heard it was, I don't think it is illegal. Yes, we're nitpicking at this point. I'll stop. As the great Ron Burgundy once said "Agree to disagree".
there was the moral clause in his contract that gives the university the right to let him go...it doesn't demand it.
People in the area know he's not been faithful for years...
Prediction, Pitino resigns by the end of the month.
On a personal note I read his book recently and I feel he is a complete hypocrite and I feel like I wasted part of my life and money on him. He deserves all he gets after all this is completed. Pitino is a disgusting person.
I read his book also and thought it was good. My son-in-law worked with the U of l sports teams and set up Pintino's radio shows for the last two seasons so RP autographed it for me. I'm let down as well. The principles are still good though.