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Some recent local news coverage of the tournament in Brazil

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  • Some recent local news coverage of the tournament in Brazil

    I found a few more articles, and translated them...
    Not a lot of new stuff, just some chatter about the tournament and the teams involved,
    and confirming we will play Bauru instead of the other expected first game opponent.

    From a week ago...

    Basquete: (Basketball News: )
    Before the Paulista, the GRSA / Itabom dispute EPTV the Cup in the group of
    San Carlos. The tournament will be contested between 12 and 15 August
    and the team has bauruense as opponents in the first phase Araraquara,
    Paulistano and Bradley University, the United
    States. "It was good to stay in a group stronger. Beginning of this season,
    the play is important. Araraquara we face them with good base, the
    Paulistano, which strengthened considerably, and an American team, which
    is another style of game, "notes the technical Guerrinha.

    The GRSA / Itabom dispute EPTV the Cup in San Carlos, 12 and 15
    August. The team is the group of Araraquara, Paulistano and Bradley
    University, the United States. The Paulista Championship is scheduled to
    begin on August 20.

    From yesterday...a story about the teams arriving...

    "Sports XV / Cosan in Copa EPTV

    The lateral Fransrgio of France, who was in the Paulistano, arrive on Monday

    The XV / Cosan / Amhpla / Selam prepares to face the first challenge in
    the second half of 2009. On days 12, 13, 14 and 15 August the team of
    basketball piracicabana male EPTV participates in the Cup, held in
    Pirassununga and So Carlos.

    Sero eight teams participating in two keys. In the key of Pirassununga
    the XV / Cosan will face in stria Assisi, day 12, s 18 hours, and still ahead
    of the teams So Jos dos Campos and So Jos do Rio Pardo . In other
    words the teams esto Bradley University (USA), Araraquara, Bauru and Paulistano.

    APSA EPTV Cup, the alvinegro still have to go in season two major
    challenges: the Paulista Championship Srie of Special A1 (INCI August 20)
    and the Open Games of the Interior in October."

  • #2
    Here's another article I found and had translated.......
    a lot of the words don't translate, but it mostly recaps the past Sao Paolo tournaments and praises the people who have put this whole thing together.

    "9 ?? Copa de EPTV Basketball - 05/08/2009 - 22:00 pm.

    Por aga • 5 | Aug | 2009 • Caderno: Basquete For aga • 5 | Aug | 2009 • Notebook: Basketball

    A primeira edi?§??o da Copa EPTV de Basquete foi realizada em 2001, na cidade de Santa Cruz das Palmeiras. The first edition of the Copa EPTV Basketball was held in 2001 in the city of Santa Cruz das Palmeiras. O evento ?© uma promo?§??o da EPTV Central, emissora afiliada da Rede Globo de Televis??o, com sede na cidade de S??o Carlos. The event is a promotion of EPTV Central, issuing subsidiary of Globo Television Network, headquartered in the city of San Carlos. Nas ??ltimas oito edi?§?µes a Copa foi realizada em sete cidades diferentes: Descalvado, Ibat?©, Itirapina, Pirassununga, Santa Cruz das Palmeiras, S??o Carlos e S??o Jo??o da Boa Vista, tendo 22 equipes participantes, com os seguintes campe?µes: Uniara (2001), Coc/Ribeir??o (2002), Liberty Seguros/Habib's/Casa Branca (2003), Uniara (2004), Franca (2005), Conti/AMEA/Assis (2006 e 2007) e Winner/Limeira (2008 ). In the last eight editions the Cup was held in seven different cities: Descalvado, Ibat?©, Itirapina, Pirassununga, Santa Cruz das Palmeiras, S??o Carlos and S??o Jo??o da Boa Vista, with 22 teams participating, with the champions: Uniara (2001), Coc / Ribeir??o (2002), Liberty Seguros / Habib 's / White House (2003), Uniara (2004), France (2005), Conti / threatened / Assis (2006 and 2007) and Winner / Limeira (2008 ). Com o passar dos anos a competi?§??o se tornou uma das mais tradicionais e importantes do Estado de S??o Paulo porque ?© o ??nico torneio adulto realizado anualmente que re??ne algumas das principais equipes de basquete do pa?­s, com exce?§??o dos campeonatos oficiais promovidos pelas federa?§?µes e pela CBB. Over the years the contest became one of the most traditional and important of the State of S??o Paulo because it is the only adult tournament held annually bringing together some of the major basketball teams in the country, except for official championships sponsored by the federations and the CBB .

    A Copa acumula um p??blico aproximado de mais de 200 mil torcedores, investimentos superiores a R$ 300.000,00 (trezentos mil reais) na promo?§??o e organiza?§??o e um retorno de m?­dia superior a R$ 1.500.000,00 (hum milh??o e meio de reais). The Cup gathers an audience of approximately more than 200 thousand fans, investments exceeding R $ 300,000.00 (three hundred thousand reais) in the promotion and organization of media and a return higher than R $ 1,500,000.00 (hum and a half million real). A EPTV (Emissoras Pioneiras de Televis??o) Central foi inaugurada em 01 de julho de 1989. The EPTV (transmitters Pioneiras Television) Center was launched in 01 July 1989. Al?©m de gerar a programa?§??o da Rede Globo, a EPTV Central tem um jornalismo local atuante, algumas programa?§?µes regionais e diversos eventos com objetivos comunit??rios, culturais e esportivos. In addition to generating the programming of Rede Globo, the EPTV Central has an active local journalism, some regional programming and events with community goals, culture and sports. A abrang??ncia da EPTV Central cobre 43 munic?­pios, atingindo 446.314 domic?­lios com TV, uma popula?§??o de 1.551.419 habitantes. The inclusion of EPTV Central covers 43 cities, reaching 446,314 homes with TV, a population of 1,551,419 inhabitants. As quatro emissoras do grupo: EPTV Campinas, EPTV Ribeir??o, EPTV S??o Carlos e EPTV Sul de Minas cobrem 294 munic?­pios atingindo um p??blico de 10 milh?µes de pessoas. The four stations of the group: EPTV Campinas, EPTV Ribeir??o, S??o Carlos EPTV and EPTV Sul de Minas cover 294 cities reaching an audience of 10 million people. Como t?©cnico de basquete posso afirmar com tranq??ilidade que a EPTV Central vem realizando um trabalho excepcional para difundir e massificar nossa modalidade em toda a regi??o em que ela atua, sendo, na minha humilde opini??o, a emissora de canal aberto do pa?­s que mais acredita, ap??ia e investi na nossa modalidade. As a technical basketball can say with ease that EPTV Central has done an exceptional job for our massive and disseminated form throughout the region in which it operates and, in my humble opinion, the issuing of an open channel of the country that most believe, support and invest in our sport.

    O esfor?§o do jornalista Luiz Antonio Garm??ndia, com o apoio incondicional do gerente regional Paulo Brasileiro, em promover a Copa EPTV, vem colaborando de maneira significativa para o crescimento eo desenvolvimento do basquete, n??o s?? naquela regi??o, que conta com cidades tradicionais do basquete paulista, mas tamb?©m com trabalhos que s??o realizados em outras diferentes regi?µes. The effort of the journalist Luiz Antonio Garmendia, with the unconditional support of the regional manager Paulo Brazil, to promote EPTV Cup, has been working significantly to the growth and development of basketball, not only in the region, with cities traditional basketball paulista but also with works that are performed in various other regions. Uma coisa que chama a aten?§??o de todos os participantes ?© a qualidade da premia?§??o oferecida pela emissora, porque os trof?©us e as medalhas que s??o entregues aos primeiros colocados est??o entre as melhores premia?§?µes esportivas do pa?­s. One thing that draws the attention of all participants is the quality of the awards offered by the issuer, because the trophies and medals that are delivered on the first awards are among the best sports in the country. No ano que vem, a Copa EPTV comemora dez anos, seus idealizadores j?? est??o trabalhando para que ela seja feita em parceria com a Federa?§??o Paulista de Basketball (FPB), t??o bem dirigida pelo dirigente Toni Chakmati, com o objetivo de ser oficializada como o Torneio In?­cio do Campeonato Paulista de 2010. Next year, the Cup EPTV celebrates ten years, its idealizers are already working for it to be done in partnership with the S??o Paulo Federation of Basketball (FPB), led by the leader as well Chakmati Toni, aiming to be formalized as Top of the Paulista Championship Tournament 2010. A Copa EPTV deste ano ser?? realizada nas cidades de Pirassununga e S??o Carlos, de 12 a 15 de agosto, com oito equipes: Amig??o/Andorinha/Assis Basket, GRSA/Bauru, Lupo/Araraquara, Paulistano/Amil, Rio Pardo FC, S??o Jos?©/Vinac, XV/Cosan/Piracicaba eo time americano de Bradley University, de Ilinois. The EPTV Cup this year will be held in the cities of San Carlos and Pirassununga, 12 to 15 August, with eight teams: AmigaOS / Andorinha / Assis Basket, GRSA / Bauru, Lupo / Araraquara, Paulistano / Amil, FC Rio Pardo, S??o Jos?© / Vinac, XV / Cosan / Piracicaba and American team of Bradley University of Ilinois.

    Quero terminar este artigo parabenizando a EPTV Central, em especial ao jornalista Luiz Antonio Garm??ndia, apresentador do EPTV Esporte, por acreditar no basquete paulista e brasileiro e tamb?©m pela excelente id?©ia de criar uma premia?§??o que ?© dada ao jogador escolhido como o melhor da Copa, com o nome do saudoso amigo Tonz?©. I end this article to congratulate the Central EPTV, especially the journalist Luiz Antonio Garmendia, presenter of EPTV Sports, by believing in Sao Paulo and Brazilian basketball and also for the excellent idea to create an award that is given to the player chosen as the best of Scotland, with the name of the friend Tonz?© homesick. O Trof?©u Tonz?© ?© uma justa e merecida homenagem ao t?©cnico de basquete Antonio Jos?© Paterniani, que faleceu no ano passado, na cidade de Franca, vitima de c??ncer, tendo infelizmente seu trabalho interrompido, mas que deixou para todos n??s uma linda li?§??o de amor ao basquete. The Trophy Tonz?© is a fair and deserved tribute to the technical basketball Paterniani Jos?© Antonio, who died last year in the city of Franca, victim of cancer, and unfortunately their work stopped, but left us a beautiful lesson in love for basketball.


    • #3
      this article is great coverage from Rio and even has a picture..
      ..even recaps Marcel De Sousa

      and this site HAS INTERVIEWS with Jim Les and Sam Maniscalco by the Brazilian media guy!!! .. questions go back and forth through a translator!

      in case you choose not to listen to the interviews...
      Sam M. talks about how he wants to play pro ball some day, then maybe be a coach or an ESPN broadcaster
      ...then maybe even coach in Brazil!!!

      Coach Les talks about how the tradition between BU and Brazil started over 30 years ago with Marcel Da Souza, and that the team had a chance
      to meet him on this trip. He also praises Brazil as a great nation that loves basketball. JL also relates his opinion that just maybe POB wasn't
      "ready to go yet" in the draft...


      • #4
        Our Bradley Braves Examiner also chimes in with a nice report on the Braves' first win in Brazil.
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        • #5
          Varejao & Barbosa's charity basketball game in Rio getting some coverage...

          Varejao, Barbosa, Drew Gooden (Dallas), Devin Brown (New Orleans), Shawn Marion (Dallas), Keith Bogans (Milwaukee), Danny Granger (Indiana), Amir Johnson (Milwaukee), Ryan Hollins (Minnesota) and Coby Karl (DKV Joventut)...all present in Rio for the game.


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