For those who's Portugese is not too good, here is a translation of that page (sorry, not all words translate clearly)--
The former player and current coach Marcel de Souza is one of the major attractions of the ninth edition of the Copa EPTV - 2009, held in two cities of S??o Paulo - S??o Carlos and Pirassununga - from this Wednesday (August 12), assembling teams of traditional national and even international stage.
Marcel atuou na Bradley Univesity Braves nas temporadas de 1975 e 1976 e integra o "Hall of Fame" desta institui?§??o de ensino.
Marcel worked at the Bradley University Braves in 1975 and 1976 seasons and incorporates the "Hall of Fame" of the university.
The former player and current coach Marcel de Souza is one of the major attractions of the ninth edition of the Copa EPTV - 2009, held in two cities of S??o Paulo - S??o Carlos and Pirassununga - from this Wednesday (August 12), assembling teams of traditional national and even international stage.
O recordista de jogos pela Sele?§??o Brasileira vai acompanhar de perto as partidas da Bradley University Braves, pois foi convidado pelo 'coach' Jim Les, que atuou v??rias temporadas na NBA (Liga Profissional Norte-americana), para estar ao seu lado no banco de reservas, na qualidade de ex-jogador da universidade.
The record of the Brazilian National Team games will monitor closely the departures of Bradley University Braves, it was called the 'coach' Jim Les, who worked several seasons in the NBA (North American Professional League), to be on their side of the bank reserves, as a former player of the university. Marcel atuou na Bradley Univesity Braves nas temporadas de 1975 e 1976 e integra o "Hall of Fame" desta institui?§??o de ensino.
Marcel worked at the Bradley University Braves in 1975 and 1976 seasons and incorporates the "Hall of Fame" of the university.
"Fiquei muito honrado e contente pelo convite, pois faz mais de 30 anos que joguei pela Bradley University e ainda sou reconhecido pela universidade, cidade e pelas pessoas de l??", alegra-se o ex-jogador, que mesmo como 'freshman', ou seja, no seu primeiro ano pela universidade, obteve m?©dia de 14,4 pontos por jogo e ainda integrou o quinteto titular do time.
"I was very honored and pleased by the invitation, it makes more than 30 years who played for Bradley University and I am recognized by the university, city and the people in there," pleased to be the ex-player, that even as a 'freshman' ie, in its first year by the university, received an average of 14.4 points per game and joined the quintet of the team owner. A Bradley University Braves aparece no Grupo A, que ser?? sediado em S??o Carlos (SP), ao lado do Lupo/Araraquara, Paulistano/Amil (Capital) e do GRSA/Itabom/Bauru.
The Bradley University Braves appears in Group A, which is based in S??o Carlos (SP), next to the Lupo / Araraquara, Paulistano / Amil (Capital) and GRSA / Itabom / Bauru. No Grupo B, com sede em Pirassununga (SP), est??o: Assis Basket, XV/Cosan/Bom Peixe/Amhpla/Selam (Piracicaba), S??o Jos?© Basketball/Unimed/Vinac (S??o Jos?© dos Campos) e Rio Pardo FC (S??o Jos?© do Rio Pardo).
In Group B, headquartered in Pirassununga (SP) are: Assis Basket, XV / Cosan / Good Fish / Amhpla / Selam (Piracicaba), San Jose Basketball / Unimed / Vinac (S??o Jos?© dos Campos) and Rio Pardo FC (St. Jos?© do Rio Pardo).