you gotta sounds eerily similar to the Derrick Rose story...yet surprisingly, Dozier still "got qualified" and played at Memphis..
He simply got re-routed through Laurinberg lots of other Memphis recruits, and presto...he got qualified...
It might be noted that the NCAA has since SHUT DOWN Laurinberg prep because of serious concerns about the academics and legitimacy of the credits and grades awarded
Dozier's SAT test score jumped so much that his performance jumped from the
4th percentile all the way up to the 89th percentile!!
this was so big of a jump that not only did the University of Georgia become very suspicious, but so also did the NCAA and even one of Dozier's own teachers who
"wrote an anonymous letter to the NCAA Clearinghouse questioning his score on
the admissions test, records obtained from the University of Georgia show."
per the story...The NCAA received
"an anonymous letter alleging someone else took Dozier's SAT. The author of
the March 30, 2004 letter claimed to be a faculty member at Dozier's high
In the letter, the author wrote: "This score is completely out of line with
anything Robert has done academically at our school. My suspicions were
confirmed when a faculty member mentioned that he was told someone else
took the test for Robert. Allegedly, a graduate of our school took the test for
Robert at the North Atlanta High School test center.
"Understand that these are allegations only. It is not my job to investigate
any of this. As an educator, I felt compelled to report this information to
your office. Desperate times sometimes lead to desperate measures.
Academic integrity is very important to me."
When Dozier's test was reviewed by the testing agency...
"...concerns are based on a comparison of the handwriting on your answer
sheet with the handwriting on other documents such as your registration
form and external documents."