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Alex Legion arrested

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  • Alex Legion arrested

    UI needs to become a car free campus. Seriously.

  • #2
    He posted this the other day seconds after it happened, now it's gone.


    • #3
      Originally posted by Murph View Post
      He posted this the other day seconds after it happened, now it's gone.
      Much like the link posted above.
      ???People say, ???Forget last year', but I want our guys to remember that one, because that will not happen again. We will be much better.??? Geno Ford, 9/22/12


      • #4
        Big Brother at work


        • #5
          Illini's Legion arrested-


          • #6
            hey-- it's just a traffic violation...if I had to post on every traffic violation, the Valley by itself would wear me out...


            • #7
              There is no need for a car at U of I anyway. I simply walk everywhere when I am on campus.


              • #8
                it's apparently way too far for some people in the state they're in to walk to the Savoy Apartments


                • #9
                  Not to mention the outrageous price for having a car on campus.


                  • #10
                    Savoy apartments are too far from campus to walk. Maybe they should build a nice, new athletes apartment closer to campus.


                    • #11
                      I had my Schwinn two speed with the basket on the front. The spring quiet was often interrupted by the sound of head on bike crashes as the halter tops began to blossom- no tickets issued.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by bert notorius View Post
                        I had my Schwinn two speed with the basket on the front.

                        Did they call you Pee Wee?


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Murph View Post
                          Did they call you Pee Wee?
                          No. It was black and trust me, there are a million ways to get in trouble that don't involve cars.

                          Alex isn't playing well enough to survive Pee Wee Herman kind of stunts.


                          • #14
                            legion better step up and be what he was hyped to be. he has only been a disappointment to u of i fans


                            • #15
                              Legion was arrested for driving on a suspended license....but is this as serious as some of the other offenses that we hear about??...
                              personally, I think not...
                              Bruce Weber told a local columnist that he will meet with Legion and discuss some possibly form of suspension next season...

                              At ISU, Brandon Sampay was arrested for driving on a suspended license but it was barely even mentioned, nor was his underage drinking....
                              the only thing that got reported was the DUI, but only after it was all over the message boards first.

                              Then at SIU, a couple people have been ticketed for driving on a suspended license (verifiable through online records) including one of their coaches and one of their key players....yet the guy with 3 arrests and driving on a suspended license, never missed a single game at SIU!!

                              and on top of that, two other players who were on the SIU roster this past season had arrests for underage drinking, including one of the highly touted incoming freshmen who had two such arrests just as the season started...yet nothing was mentioned in the paper at all...and they both played in every single game, so the coaching staff and university must not have thought it was all that serious.
                              (PM for details)


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