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Pantagraph column calls ISU season a "failure"

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  • #16
    Originally posted by southpaw nothin View Post
    Yet some would have us celebrating CBI banners.

    Check out these reactions to Tulsa storming the court after beating us last year:


    • #17
      I figured this did not deserve its own thread but.....

      ...ISU players have been told they are playing @ Georgetown in game one of the NIT... I am not sure who told them (assuming the coaches)... or how they know that... or anything...but that is the word from the players...


      • #18
        Originally posted by RedbirdFan21 View Post
        I figured this did not deserve its own thread but.....

        ...ISU players have been told they are playing @ Georgetown in game one of the NIT... I am not sure who told them (assuming the coaches)... or how they know that... or anything...but that is the word from the players...
        GT had a trerrible year and they are hosting? A higher seed then ISU??? Just makes you wonder. They do play in a really nice arena. Well for the Valley sake I hope ISU takes them to the cleaners if this is true.
        "Educate and inform the whole mass of the people...they are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty."
        ??” Thomas Jefferson


        • #19
          ISU was 1 shot in regulation away from winning the conf. tour. and going to the ncaa tour; I don"t see that as a failure , if the Georgetown thing is true then they will have been screwed because they should be playing at home with their record .


          • #20
            I think the big picture for Redbird fans to take from this article (and just the grand scheme in general) is to look where we are now, compared to where we were just a few short years ago. What would you rather have? It was not long ago at all where we were just hoping to eek out a .500 season or avoid the play-in game. For much of this decade, enthusiasm was very little, attendance was the worst in school history, we often had no belief we could win on the road, etc etc.

            Now we turn in consecutive 24 win seasons, consecutive top-3 reg season finishes, and consecutive tourney final appearances. Attendance & enthusiasm are back up. Rivalries with BU and SIU have been rekindled to the maximum. We've been very close to making the Dance twice. Sure the "close but no cigar" feeling sucks, especially this year when we were basically were 1 play away. But looking at things now in comparison to where it's a no brainer. Sure we all want to go to the Big Dance and in a way it's twice as hard to deal with missing it when your super close as opposed to being not close at all, but still. I just hope our fans don't end up turning on Jankovich the way, oh, say MSU fans turned on Hinson.


            • #21
              Originally posted by RedbirdFan21 View Post
              I figured this did not deserve its own thread but.....

              ...ISU players have been told they are playing @ Georgetown in game one of the NIT... I am not sure who told them (assuming the coaches)... or how they know that... or anything...but that is the word from the players...
              Originally posted by SFP View Post
              GT had a trerrible year and they are hosting? A higher seed then ISU??? Just makes you wonder. They do play in a really nice arena. Well for the Valley sake I hope ISU takes them to the cleaners if this is true.
              Here's what I see for top 4 seeds in NIT:

              S Carol
              Va Tech
              Kans St
              Miss St

              Creighton, Davidson and ISU don't fit in the BCS' bias over those teams for a home game in the NIT.


              • #22
                ISU will beat Georgetown.
                Onward and Upward!


                • #23
                  Originally posted by BradleyBrave View Post
                  ISU will beat Georgetown.
                  I don't know......would Niagara beat Georgetown at Georgetown?
                  ???People say, ???Forget last year', but I want our guys to remember that one, because that will not happen again. We will be much better.??? Geno Ford, 9/22/12


                  • #24
                    ISU had a decent season-they got to the championship game, they finished third in the conference and they managed the season without significant injury. But they played an AWFUL non-con schedule which left them positioned for bitter disappointment and that is what they are going to get-sorta close to the NCAA but no tourney win and no non-con victories of any note. They gave themselves very little margin for error with their scheduling and now they are paying for it.

                    I really don't get the reasoning behind having an uperclassmen laden team and scheduling so weak. Ya gotta give the team a little bit more of a chance to make the tourney-if you schedule tougher and don't win them you end up right where they are right now.


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