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All session tickets now available for pickup!

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  • All session tickets now available for pickup!

    I don't know if this has been posted anywhere else but I called the ticket office first thing this morning to see if they had the tickets in and they do! I'm going to pick my tickets up right now to see how this years tickets look.
    If you cant go to school go to STATE!!

  • #2
    They're definitely out. I went and picked mine up. Looks like Bradley's in the same lame section as last year. My seats are section 110, and in fact, four rows worse than last year's tickets. This being my second journey to the MVC Tourney, I would have guessed that the teams rotate through the sections? It appears, instead, that maybe teams are always in the same section?
    My sports blog.


    • #3
      I got my tickets late and got Section 110 Row V.
      If you cant go to school go to STATE!!


      • #4
        I'm in row JJ. Not sure if V is in front of or behind JJ. Ordered my tickets maybe a week and a half ago.
        My sports blog.


        • #5
          Originally posted by thefish7 View Post
          I'm in row JJ. Not sure if V is in front of or behind JJ. Ordered my tickets maybe a week and a half ago.

          The last row in the section is KK. It goes from A to W followed by AA to KK in section 110.
          If you cant go to school go to STATE!!


          • #6
            Originally posted by lightsout View Post
            The last row in the section is KK. It goes from A to W followed by AA to KK in section 110.
            Sounds like I pulled some "good" seats then.
            My sports blog.


            • #7
              We bought our tickets the first day they became available and we got section 110 row L. The last few years it seems like each team stays pretty much in the same area. Can't wait to be there.


              • #8
                Can't wait either, don't get me wrong!
                My sports blog.


                • #9
                  I just picked mine up and am VERY disappointed to find myself stuck in Sec 111, Row KK. I ordered the tix a couple weeks after they became available and have talked to two others who ordered theirs AFTER I did and they are in Row W and Row BB respectively. I would have been better off taking advantage of the Buy One Get One offer because the Upper Bowl will only be about 10 feet higher than these tickets!
                  Last edited by PTownHawkeye; 02-25-2009, 02:36 PM. Reason: original post sounded too angry


                  • #10
                    Yeah, does make me wonder a bit just how the seats are doled out.
                    My sports blog.


                    • #11
                      I would guess that your seat location has a lot more to do with how much you donate than when you placed your order.


                      • #12
                        Last year the student section was almost on the other side of the arena from the rest of the this going to be the case this year as well, because I think that is BS. Bradley just gets bullied around with crap-jobs like that.

                        All of our non-student fans were sitting next to ALL of the CU fans...b.s.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by BU and the Lesticles View Post
                          I would guess that your seat location has a lot more to do with how much you donate than when you placed your order.
                          I think their is a lot of truth to that.
                          "Losers find an find a way" - Joe Stowell


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Bradleyguy10 View Post
                            Last year the student section was almost on the other side of the arena from the rest of the this going to be the case this year as well, because I think that is BS. Bradley just gets bullied around with crap-jobs like that.

                            All of our non-student fans were sitting next to ALL of the CU fans...b.s.

                            After being to about 15 or so MVC tourneys, here is how I believe that works. The higher seeded team gets its choice of what end zone its band will be in. Then the students fill in the rest of that end zone around the band. CU was higher seeded than us last year. If we get the 4 seed this year, the BU band and students should be near their fans at least on Friday this year.


                            • #15
                              Are you all aware that SEC 110 is directly behind a basket?
                              End Zone Baby! disappointing!


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