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I love the Horizon League Network

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  • I love the Horizon League Network

    I'm presently watching the Bradley/Loyola game on the Horizon Leagues TV website. The streaming video is awesome quality and totally FREE.

    Why can't the Valley do something like this? I'm jealous.

  • #2
    Comcast broadcasters are horrible and what's at least some viewer redemption is that we can hear them during commercial breaks, and they are hilarious...they ridicule every ref's call and they are so homerish!


    • #3
      I was going to start the exact same thread. The most exiciting development of the first half was the quality of the feed!!!


      • #4
        Were those Comcast broadcasters or that Lakeland or Lakeside TV commentators? I was under the impression that the game was just simulcasted from that station.


        Originally posted by tornado View Post
        Comcast broadcasters are horrible and what's at least some viewer redemption is that we can hear them during commercial breaks, and they are hilarious...they ridicule every ref's call and they are so homerish!


        • #5
          Originally posted by jasonpeoria911 View Post
          Were those Comcast broadcasters or that Lakeland or Lakeside TV commentators? I was under the impression that the game was just simulcasted from that station.

          You're right Jason. That was a simulcasted game of local announcers, not Comcast guys.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Braves4Life View Post
            You're right Jason. That was a simulcasted game of local announcers, not Comcast guys.
            You are right, they were the Loyola announcers and I thought they did a good job of calling the game. They were very complimentary to Bradley. Sure they had some beefs on some calls and rightly so. There was a call towards the end of the game where Chris was pushed out of bounds and the ref, who was screened from seeing all the players in the play, called a foul on Loyola. It was funny because it was Theron that pushed him out of bounds and then Theron comes up and grabs him and is laughing in his ear, probably saying "I was the one who pushed you". The replay clearly showed it. Difficult calls go both ways. The ones that complain about the other teams announcers are the ones that actually go to our games so don't listen to our own announcers who are just as clearly 'homers' as any other team in the country. Nothing wrong with that, makes the game fun to listen to.


            • #7

              the feed from the Horizon was Great.I hope someone from Bradley
              finds out....


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