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Dave Snell

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  • Dave Snell

    Dave Reynolds has a nice article on Dave Snell as he approaches his 900th Bradley game as a broadcaster--

    Video of Dave telling his top 10 moments of his career--

  • #2
    CONGRATS to Dave....I cannot think of anyone else I'd rather have doing the Braves play-by-play!


    • #3
      Originally posted by Big Mike View Post
      CONGRATS to Dave....I cannot think of anyone else I'd rather have doing the Braves play-by-play!
      Congrats Dave we have really been blessed to keep you in the area. BU basketball wouldn't be the same without you.


      • #4
        Originally posted by Big Mike View Post
        CONGRATS to Dave....I cannot think of anyone else I'd rather have doing the Braves play-by-play!
        Couldn't agree more. A true professional. He knows how to walk that fine line. He never rips a player or coach. But he doesn't sugarcoat things either. Watching a webcast with his play-by-play really is ALMOST like being there.


        • #5
          Dave is a super guy, very pro-Bradley, always supportive of the team, etc...
          if those same positive viewpoints were posted on a message board, I wonder how much he'd be attacked for being too pro-Bradley


          • #6
            Congrats Dave. BU and the community are lucky to have you.
            DUBL R 1


            • #7
              I can listen to Dave call games 24/7/365. He's also a heck of a nice guy and wonderful ambassador of the university. We are truly lucky to have him.
              Onward and Upward!


              • #8
                I've had two experiences when I saw BCS types shocked about Bradley's program. One was when I brought my Wisconsin-fan brother-in-law to see a BU/Tulsa tilt back in the day. On the way to the arena he asked whether we had a decent gym and whether we had bleacher seats. He was speechless when he walked into Carver and saw 10K+ in there, and LOUD. He said he couldn't believe it . . . it was just like the Big 10.

                The second came when I insisted on listening to a game on the Internet at my KU brother-in-law's home. He condescended to listen to some of it (this was before that glorious night in March 2006) and remarked continually about what a quality broadcast it was. Who is this Snell guy? What's he doing at BRAI-TLEY?

                Snell is part of what makes BU something more than a mid-major.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by brocks View Post
                  I've had two experiences when I saw BCS types shocked about Bradley's program. One was when I brought my Wisconsin-fan brother-in-law to see a BU/Tulsa tilt back in the day. On the way to the arena he asked whether we had a decent gym and whether we had bleacher seats. He was speechless when he walked into Carver and saw 10K+ in there, and LOUD. He said he couldn't believe it . . . it was just like the Big 10.

                  The second came when I insisted on listening to a game on the Internet at my KU brother-in-law's home. He condescended to listen to some of it (this was before that glorious night in March 2006) and remarked continually about what a quality broadcast it was. Who is this Snell guy? What's he doing at BRAI-TLEY?

                  Snell is part of what makes BU something more than a mid-major.
                  I had the same experience with an U of I fan a few years ago at a BU ISU game, he thought it was like going to a game at WIU or something like that he could not believe the "electricity" at Carver.

                  Then he lived in Springfield and when the BU broadcasts were on there he said he liked to listen to Snell and Stowell because of how good they were especailly Stowell and how he tells it like it is.

                  Now living in Houston I get to listen to Snell and team when comcast does not have the broadcast... he does a good job, has had a little issue with some of our players this year and getting names the same as who they actually are, but it is sometimes better when hearing them between timeout when they dont go to commercial... some good behind the scenes information.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by houstontxbrave View Post
                    I had the same experience with an U of I fan a few years ago at a BU ISU game, he thought it was like going to a game at WIU or something like that he could not believe the "electricity" at Carver.

                    Then he lived in Springfield and when the BU broadcasts were on there he said he liked to listen to Snell and Stowell because of how good they were especailly Stowell and how he tells it like it is.

                    Now living in Houston I get to listen to Snell and team when comcast does not have the broadcast... he does a good job, has had a little issue with some of our players this year and getting names the same as who they actually are, but it is sometimes better when hearing them between timeout when they dont go to commercial... some good behind the scenes information.
                    I had an Army buddy from Iowa in town during the Hawkins era and took him to a BU game at Carver. He couldn't get over the arena itself, plus the atmosphere at the game. Of course he, like myself, remember the Bradley glory days. Now that I'm in Mesa for most the season, Dave Snell keeps my Bradley spirit alive. Dan's pre game show is tops also.
                    What part of illegal don't you understand?


                    • #11
                      I've always thought Carver was a pretty good arena and still is so I've never known why people have complained about it. It could be closer to campus but then again Peoria is not that big.

                      I love Snell's play by play! We are lucky to have such a professional calling our games. I never question his ability or even call him a homer. Sometime a play by play guy can call a game that is over the top about their team but I'm sure a visiting fan could hear Snell and feel good about how he is calling it.
                      "Educate and inform the whole mass of the people...they are the only sure reliance for the preservation of our liberty."
                      ??” Thomas Jefferson


                      • #12
                        BU is fortunate to have Snell and fortunate to have such fine fans who follow them everywhere!


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