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IU, Eric Gordon and Drugs

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  • #16
    Originally posted by tornado View Post
    my job as a BradleyFans mod?
    Note in the story, Tom Crean says...
    "privacy laws don't allow him to discuss the issue"

    BUT--- whatever privacy laws he is referring to surely would prohibit Gordon just the same, wouldn't they? is the original story after the Indianapolis Star interview...

    Gordon is the FIRST person of any authority from the 2007-2008 Hoosier team who has publicly cited drugs as an issue.
    Even now, Dakich still declines to comment on the subject, but Gordon went so far as to NAME the ones who were NOT doing drugs
    (himself, DJ White, Taber, and Finkelmeier) by implication he has hinted at who was doing them.
    Yeah, I think once this came out, we all kind of knew who it probably was leading the drug parade. Unfortunately two of them hail from our home state.
    Onward and Upward!


    • #17
      Originally posted by tornado View Post
      my job as a BradleyFans mod?
      Note in the story, Tom Crean says...
      "privacy laws don't allow him to discuss the issue"

      BUT--- whatever privacy laws he is referring to surely would prohibit Gordon just the same, wouldn't they? is the original story after the Indianapolis Star interview...

      Gordon is the first person of any authority from the 2007-2008 Hoosier team who has publicly cited drugs as an issue.
      Even now, Dakich still declines to comment on the subject, but Gordon went so far as to name the ones who were not doing drugs
      (himself, DJ White, Taber, and Finkelmeier) by implication he has hinted at who was doing them.
      Actually you are wrong...

      They only prohibit him from speaking about this while he is enrolled at the university and playing....

      He has now left so he can speak on any number of issues....


      • #18
        that's pretty much a touchy gray area, STL--
        if you speak publicly of anyone's medical testing without their consent, it IS almost certainly Federal violation.....but therer have been so few cases to know exactly how they'd be decided....
        of course the Feds don't have the resources to be out there blowing whistles and policing it but should someone bring an instance to court, then you might lose such a lawsuit even if you are an average citizen just talking about someone else's medical or drug testing.
        You don't have to be their doctor, their nurse, nor their school administrator.

        I am personally aware of a local lawsuit that centers on an ex-employee of a medical practice who spoke privately to someone else (with word then "getting around") about a patient's test result and that person and the entire practice is being taken to court by the patient who is angry his info was gossipped about, with the liability NOT covered by malpractice ins., since it is a whole different ball game and kinda uncharted waters.

        By and large, just about anything you say about someone else's "health information" or medical test results is federally protected.

        here is a prior discussion we had on this topic...


        • #19
          Originally posted by BradleyBrave View Post
          Gordon, and moreso his family were completely duped by a cheater and an enabler.
          ....the kid played the field longer than 99% of prep wonders, and had every chance in the world to get a thorough evaluation of Sampson, Bruce Weber, and any other coach or program.
          He and his family were fully informed and educated as to the decision they were making and they chose to go with IU and Kelvin Sampson.

          To say he was duped suggests a degree of ignorance and naivete' on the Gordons' part that I just don't think was realistic.

          Do either of these apply to Roth also?


          • #20
            did Roth verbal to one school, repeatedly maintain his loyalty and deny thoughts of going elsewhere, then actually turn on his word and reneg on his verbal?
   for whether Roth was duped, I guess some might think so, as he believed he would be playing for Sampson and had publicly stated he expected the whole mess to blow over and result in no consequences.


            • #21
              Originally posted by tornado View Post
              did Roth verbal to one school, repeatedly maintain his loyalty and deny thoughts of going elsewhere, then actually turn on his word and reneg on his verbal?
     for whether Roth was duped, I guess some might think so, as he believed he would be playing for Sampson and had publicly stated he expected the whole mess to blow over and result in no consequences.
              If Roth made a public statement about how he expected this whole mess to blow over and result in no consequences then that is on him and his family as they had plenty of time to do research and educate themselves on the issues that were hanging over the IU program. The biggest difference between Gordon and Roth is the verbal issue to Illinois, other then that they both made the same decision to play for a person like Sampson.


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