From Kirk Wessler's column Thursday morning
The most-repeated question around Bradley basketball these days: When will Andrew Warren return?
The most-repeated answer from Braves coach Jim Les: When Andrew is pain-free in his right foot, which was broken in September.
And how long might that be?
Nobody knows, but consider this. Former BU star Anthony Parker broke the same bone, the fifth metatarsal of his right foot, in November 1996, his senior season. He returned to action in early January, but he was not pain-free until months after the season ended.
The most-repeated question around Bradley basketball these days: When will Andrew Warren return?
The most-repeated answer from Braves coach Jim Les: When Andrew is pain-free in his right foot, which was broken in September.
And how long might that be?
Nobody knows, but consider this. Former BU star Anthony Parker broke the same bone, the fifth metatarsal of his right foot, in November 1996, his senior season. He returned to action in early January, but he was not pain-free until months after the season ended.